However, since "1966 Henoko Plan" was deleted by the editor, I am putting the original English version after the Japanese article.
Master Plan of Navy Facilities on Okinawa Ryukyu Island, 1966
さらには、真喜志氏によれば、現在ある辺野古新基地建設の計画は実は1966年からあったそうだ。当時の海軍が作成したMaster Plan of Navy Facilities on Okinawa Ryukyu Island, 1966 (沖縄琉球島における海軍施設のマスタープラン1966年)には、すでに大浦湾の現在計画されている場所への軍港建設と隣接する2本の滑走路を含んだ辺野古沿岸飛行場建設の図面が明記されている。しかし当時はベトナム戦争の最中で、予算がなかった米軍は計画を棚上げしていたそうだ。
Master Plan of Navy Facilities on Okinawa Ryukyu Island, 1966
2003年、ジュゴンを先頭にして3名の個人、日本の3団体と米国の2団体が、当時のラムズフェルド米国防長官と国防総省を相手に、米国の「National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA=国家歴史遺産保護法)」違反で提訴するという画期的ないわゆるジュゴン訴訟が起きた。NHPAで動物を問題にし、しかも米国外を舞台にして行う訴訟は前代未聞だそうだ。
ジュゴン保護キャンペーンセンターの国際代表である吉川秀樹氏は、NHPAを訴訟に用いた理由をこう述べる。「ジュゴンは日米で絶滅危惧種なのだから、米国版の「種の保存法」(Endangered Species Act)を使えば、建設は直ちに停止できる効力を持ちえた性質のものだったが、米国外での適用についての条項がなく、NHPA法を使えば、米国外の問題でも米国で訴訟ができるのです」。NHPA法では米国が国外で行う活動においても相手国の同等の法で保護されているものは保護しなければならず、米国が守らない場合は何人も米国を訴えることができると定めている。日本のNHPA法に相当する文化財保護法で天然記念物に指定されているジュゴンはもちろんこの範疇に入る。
2008年、サンフランシスコ連邦地裁パテル判事は歴史的な中間判決を出した。「1、米国防省がNHPA法を違反した事、2. 米国防省は、辺野古基地建設計画に責任を持ち、ジュゴンに及ぼす影響を低減するため、日本側の環境アセスを評価すると共に、独自の評価を行う事、3、評価の過程において関係個人や団体と協力体制をしくこと」というものだった。
Endangered Dugongs Threatened by US Henoko Base Plan Originated since 1966
By Mari Takenouchi, freelance journalist in Okinawa, Japan
October 8, 2014
A dugong eating seagrass (Source:
Only 3 (?) Dugongs in Okinawa and Planned US Base
Due to the resemblance of a mother dugong breast-feeding a baby dugong, sea mammal “dugongs” are said to be the “model of mermaids.” In Okinawan old fairy tales, dugongs are depicted as messengers of Sea God, who told people how to procreate and in some cases warned people to avoid tsunami. Even today, dugongs are used in sacred rituals in some communities in Okinawa.
Dugongs are regarded as “endangered species”. In 1997, Mammalogical Society of Japan estimated the number of Okinawan dugongs less than 50, and in 2006, Japanese Ministry of Environment estimated “five” at minimum, and now the Japanese government estimates only “three” at minimum.
Dugongs are very sensitive to noise, and they swim away as soon as they hear some engine noise of a boat. In Japan, they are specified as “natural monument” and giving any impact on their habitat is prohibited. However, by reclaiming the sea with 21 million cubic meters of soil, equivalent to 3.5 million times of 10-ton dump truck loading, a new US airbase and military port is going to be constructed at Henoko, in pristine east coast of Okinawa, the northern limit home of dugongs.
Unprecedented Dugong Lawsuit
In 2003, a historical law suit was initiated by plaintiffs of Japanese and US individuals/organizations against the US Department of Defense and Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, the then Secretary of Defense for the alleged violation of the NHPA (National Historic Preservation Act). This case is quite unique in the context that an animal became the subject of the case under NHPA law, and also the case is over a controversy outside of the US.
Mr. Hideki Yoshikawa, the international director of Save the Dugong Campaign Center explains the case as follows. “If we used the US Endangered Species Act, it could have been powerful enough to immediately halt the construction of the Henoko US base since dugongs are endangered species in both countries, but the applicability of the Act on international case was not clear. Meanwhile, NHPA has an international clause that can allow a matter in a foreign country to be tried in a US court.”
In January 2008, US Federal District Court in San Francisco delivered its historic interim ruling in favor of plaintiffs, which were roughly as follows; 1. DOD violated NHPA, which requires DOD to “take into account” of effects on the Okinawan dugongs, 2. DOD has the obligation to evaluate Japanese assessment and come up with its own additional information/consideration to protect dugongs. 3. During the process of 2, DOD must engage host nation and relevant individuals and organizations in a cooperative partnership.
To this ruling, DOD prepared its own assessment document called Welch 2010, which has never been disclosed till today for some unknown reasons, and waited for the Japanese Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2012. In April 2014, DOD released a document called “US Marine Corps Recommended Findings” based on Welch 2010 and EIS, concluding that the construction and operation at Henoko and Oura Bay would have “no adverse effect” on dugongs because of the extremely low probability of dugongs being in the area.
However, even Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) has found dugongs’ feeding traces since June 2009 to May 2013 for seven times on the reclamation site itself, which has also been recognized and documented by US Marine Corps, but ODB and DOD concluded that there would be “no adverse effect on dugongs” saying that the number of traces are limited. There have been strong argument against this, saying that the limited number of traces is simply due to the very limited number of total Okinawan dugongs. The group of plaintiffs complained that the DOD’s conclusion is arbitrary and lacks a factual basis and that DOD had not included related parties in partnership at all before reaching such conclusion.
In addition, recently, Japanese Nature Protection Association have found more than 118 dugongs’ feeding traces directly on the reclamation site only in 3 months from May to July 2014. These important follow-up findings have not been reflected nor to be reflected in the evaluation of ODB or DOD in spite of citizens groups’ calls.
*The red spots are dugong’s feeding traces found in May and June 2014 in Oura Bay.
The brown area in the middle is the planned reclamation site. (Source: QAB, Ryukyu Asahi Broadcast Company)
Drilling Survey Started Right After Additional Claim
On July 31st, the plaintiffs of Dugong Lawsuit filed additional claim for prohibiting the access to adjacent Camp Schwab for reclaiming Henoko construction site until DOD fulfills its duties for NHPA by engaging related parties in their process of evaluation to avert DOD’s arbitrary conclusion. On August 15, the San Francisco Federal Court accepted the plaintiff’s claim and is now working on their proceedings.
Only three days after that, on August 18, the controversial drilling survey started at Henoko in the midst of outcries of opposing citizens both in front of the Camp Schwab gate and on the sea of Henoko. Government of Japan seems to try to create a fait accompli by forcibly going forward with the Henoko reclamation work. However, if the court rules in the favor of Dugong Lawsuit plaintiffs again, the construction work itself could be suspended, and this critical ruling may come out in 6 months.
Henoko US Base Planned since 1966
Currently, both Japanese government and pro-base incumbent Okinawan governor Mr. Hirokazu Nakaima, and some major media companies advocate the necessity of constructing a new base at Henoko in exchange of closing the Futenma Air Base located in the middle of densely populated areas with residences, local schools and hospitals. Even the former DOD Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (one of the accused for the Dugong Lawsuit), called Futenma Air Base as “the world most dangerous US base.”
Mr. Yoshikazu Makishi, a renowned Okinawan architect and also a plaintiff of Dugong Lawusuit reveals the fact that the design of new Henoko US base has been existing since 1966. According to “Master Plan of Navy Facilities on Okinawa Ryukyu Island (1966),” both the naval facilities and air base designs are written around Oura Bay and Henoko. (See below)
“Master Plan of Navy Facilities on Okinawa Ryukyu Island (1966)” by US Navy, which is clearly providing the original plan of currently controversial Henoko US Base.
Mr. Makishi says that Oura Wan (Bay) can provide deep water port if reclamation is done on its coast. At the same time, if they reclaim the shallow sea of Henoko next to Oura Bay, they can build an air base next to the naval port, which is ideal for their military strategies. However, this original plan was made during the time of Vietnam War and the US shelved the plan due to the tight budget.
Today, the US government can use the Japan’s “host nation military support budget” while the US defense budget allocated for Marine Corps has been shrinking. (Japanese government decided to provide annual host nation military budget of 1.7 billion dollars even after 2011 Great East Japan earthquake in spite of opposition from citizens’ groups) For the side of Japan, general constructors can make profits through building the state of the art US base at Henoko.
Mr. Makisi further explains as follows. “To begin with, relocation of Futenma to Henoko” itself does not make sense. “In the US, there is a regulation that there should not be any residence within 4500 meter length and 900 width from the end of any runway. However, as for Futenma Air Base, there are houses and even schools in this zone. Futenma does not comply with the US regulation and should be abolished immediately without any condition. It is quite absurd that both US and Japanese governments say that Futenma could become a permanent air base if a new Henoko base cannot be constructed.”
Increasing International Attention
Majority of the Okinawan people are against the further extension of the US Base in Okinawa, which has already 74% of the total US bases in Japan, though Okinawa is only 0.6 % of total Japanese land area.
The world biggest environmental organization, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with 1200 member organization including more than 200 governments and 11000 scientists, adopted three resolutions to recommend the US and Japanese government to conduct environmental impact assessment and to draw a plan to protect Okinawan dugongs in 2000, 2004, and 2008 respectively.
In March 2012, the United Nations Human Rights Office of High Commissioner Committee for Eliminating Racial Discrimination (CERD) gave warning to the government of Japan concerning the construction of new US base in Henoko and in November of the same year, CERD asked for further provision of information on the planned new US Henoko base. On August 30 2014, CERD sent its final recommendation to the government of Japan to regard Okinawan people as the local indigenous people and to respect their rights, public opinions, and culture. In this way, international attention has been mounting on the issues of Okinawa.
On August 22 and 23, fourth and fifth days after the drilling survey was started by Okinawa Defense Bureau, a Japanese TV camera coincidently captured a dugong swimming and calling out in the adjacent of the planned reclamation site. In fact, DOD and the Okinawan Defense Bureau themselves have admitted the existence of Dugongs in this area. Some local residents say, “The dugong must have visited to make a complaint on the start of drilling work at the planned Henoko US base.”