
Radio-Ecological Situation in Belarus before the Chernobyl Explosion


Excerpts from the article by Professor Professor Yury Bandazheusky
Radio-Ecological Situation in Belarus before the Chernobyl Explosion
Today, after more than 20 years after explosion at the Chernobyl power plant, people continue to experience the consequences of this accident. Many questions that came with this tragedy remain unanswered. Above all is the question of what will happen to the people who face radioactivity every day living their lives in polluted areas.
The aim of this article is to demonstrate some little-known, and possibly kept back on purpose, facts and proofs of medical affects on big groups of people who encounter radioactive agents. The information below sheds some light on health problems experienced by people living on the European territory of the former USSR.  
It is important to determine the first time when population of these territories was affected by radioactivity. When defining that, one has to keep in mind that there is so-called natural radioactivity which has existed long before the first human being appeared on Earth. But here is also another kind of radioactivity caused by nuclear arms tests and functioning of nuclear power plants.
Nuclear weapon tests started in 1945 and were very intensive in the period of 1945-1958 and in 1961-1962. Beginning with 1963 some countries began underground testing of nuclear weapons.
Most widespread and therefore dangerous for people’s health radioactive elements are caesium-137, zirconium-95, carbon-14, ruthenium-106, stroncium-90, cerium-144, tritium, and iodine-131. These elements come from nuclear weapons tests and work of nuclear power plants.
If looking at the tissue doses formation and radio-biological consequences of global fallouts, the leading element is isotope Cs-137, which mainly penetrates into the environment together with radioactive waste or nuclear blasts’ products. Main sources of the nuclear waste containing Cs-137 are nuclear reactors and factories refining exposed to rays fuel. The most intense pollution of the environment with Cs-137 occurs through explosions on nuclear power plants, one of which happened in Chernobyl in 1986.
The level of Cs-137 concentration in human body depends on the level of pollution and thereof on the quality of food consumed by the population, the nutrition structure, age and sex distinctive features [18].
In the former USSR Cs-137 was first registered in 1963. Researchers of the Institute for Biophysics of the USSR Healthcare Ministry made more than 1000 tests of cow milk in different districts of Palessie (territory of modern southern Belarus and part of Ukraine) [18]. Based on this research they developed a so-called “milk-caesium” map showing that the strongest concentration of Cs-137 at that time was in Gomel region of Belarus. To compare, on the territory of Ukraine, numbers reflecting radio-caesium in cow milk were much lower. As a result, annual dosage received by the population of Belarus in those years was 2,5 higher than of the Ukrainians. Analyzing yearly data about the Cs-137 fallouts and its presence in food (cow milk) and in human bodies , it can be concluded that 1963 was the year of maximal fallouts of the given element on the territory of Belarus before the Chernobyl explosion.
Radio-ecologic Situation in Belarus after Chernobyl Explosion in 1986
According to conclusions of the USSR principal specialists in nuclear engineering [24], the explosion at Chernobyl power plant occurred at the end of an active working zone of the reactor containing the maximum quantity of radioactive products. These elements polluted large parts of territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and reached some other countries.
The most badly affected areas of Belarus were Gomel and Mahileu regions. Almost every district of these two voblasts (region, Belarusian—ODB) was heavily polluted by radioactive elements. It is important to say that the compulsory evacuation to the so-called “clean” from Cs-137 territories was ineffective because the soil there was polluted with plutonium 238, 239, 240 (more than 3,7 kBq/m²).
Keeping in mind that contamination of Gomel and Brest regions was discovered long before the Chernobyl explosion [18], it is possible that similar situation could have been observed in Grodno and Minsk regions given the high level of Cs-137 contamination registered there in 1990s. This fact leads to conclusions that are fully contradictory to forecasts given by some researchers who calculated collective doses of exposure to radiation for the population based only on results of the 1986 accident. Information about previous years’ pollution was kept secret.
Once thrown into the atmosphere, radioactive elements continue to penetrate into organisms of people and animals through natural ways. Iodine-131 gets into human body with food and air, unlike caesium-137 and stroncium-90, which can affect human body predominately through contaminated nutrition. Products of animal and plant origin from the polluted areas are the main sources of radio-nuclides in human bodies.
During the first few years after Chernobyl no measurement of radioactive caesium doses within large groups of population was conducted. All the estimates were based on territory pollution rates and collective doses of radiation. Possibility to conduct mass screenings of the population arose only in 1992 when a special device invented at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was delivered to Gomel voblast thanks to the active support of the BelarusianEngineeringAcademy.
Demographic Indexes and Population Health Conditions before and after 1986
Demographic situation in Belarus before radioactive caesium pollution of 1960s was a favourable one. Even during the hard after-war period (after 1945) the birth rate was higher than the death rate (the natural growth of the population in Belarus reached 13,7%  in 1940 and 11,2 % in 1945). In 1960 Belarus experienced the maximum natural growth of population in the after-war period – 17,8 %. However, beginning with 1965, constant decline in birth rate and an increase in deaths can be seen, which resulted in only 5,9 % of natural growth in 1985.  
After the explosion at the nuclear power plant on 26 April, 1986 the situation became even worse and in 1993 the death rate exceeded the birth rate. Progressive decline in birth rate with 9,3 % and the growth in death rates by 14,2 % led to the situation when the natural growth reached – 4,9 % [16] which could no longer be called a growth but a decline.( - 5,9 % in 2002, - 5,3 % in 2005) The death rates grew up to 32,7 % (from 10,7 to 14,2 per 1000 people) in the period of 1990-1999.
Belarus also witnessed permanent deterioration of people’s health condition. In the period from 1990 to 1999 the primary illness rate grew by 43 % [32] and was connected mostly to blood circulation disorders and neoplasm (cancerous growths)[2]. The blood circulation disorders enjoyed steady growth in the last three decades. Since 1980 to 1994 it grew 5,5 times while general sickness rate increased 4,2 times [17]. The general sickness rate is most intensively increasing in the polluted areas and has the highest index in Gomel voblast since 1988.
It is the blood circulation disorders that bear major responsibility for people’s death in Belarus. In 1997 it took 50,4 % [33] of lives, in 1998 – 51,9 % [34], 1999 – 52,9 % [35]. In the period of time since 1989 until 1998 the number of death cases connected to blood circulation disorders grew by 24 %. [34]
 During the last three decades there has been a permanent increase in cancer with Gomel voblast as a leading region [1]. Thyroid cancer has become the world community’s concern as it dramatically increased within several years after the Chernobyl catastrophe. Thyroid cancer cases reached 9,2 cases for 100.000 inBelarus in 1997 that constitutes 513 % if compared to 1986 [13].
The general rate of thyroid cancer cases diagnosed in Belarus in 1998 2-2,5 times exceed that of 1990. Among teenagers under 19 years old it grew 25 times in 1990-1998. It also grew more than 4 times among adults. Total number of thyroid cancer cases diagnosed between 1986 and 1999 was 6030, with 1083 of them children and teenagers suffering from the disease [21].
Gomel region has the largest number of thyroid cancer cases in the country--around 54 % of the total in Belarus. Despite the leading role of I-131 in thyroid cancer cases scientists discovered the link between the disease and Cs-137 pollution [25].

To be continued
Translated by the Office for a Democratic Belarus
Photo by the Office for a Democratic Belarus
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Professor Bandazheusky is State Doctor in Scientific Medicine, specialized in Anatomo-pathology, State Doctor in Scientific Medicine, specialized in Physio-pathology, Professor of Scientific Medicine, specialized in Physio-pathology, Rector of the State Institute of Medicine, Gomel, Belarus (1990-1999)
Named Honourable Citizen of the following cities: Anor, Auxerre, Bailleul, Besançon, Château-Chinon, Clermont-Ferrand, Marseille, Montmélian, Mouans-Sartoux, Paris, Rezé, Saint Denis, Saint-Perreux, Siorac en Périgord and the region Nord Pas de Calais.
Holder of the European Liberty Passport N° 25 since 2001
Recognized a “Prisoner of Opinion” by Amnesty International in 2001.
2004 Honorary Doctor from the MediterraneanUniversity
2000 Award of the Medal of Hippocrates, from the IPPNW of Paris, for work in
radiological medicine and human radio-biology
1999 International American Award “The Sun, the Golden Emblem” for scientific work
in Radio-pathology
1999 The Albert Schweizer Golden Star Award
1998 Albert Schweizer Gold Medal Award For unique contribution to the development
of Medicine and Humanism
1998 The International Academy of Gerontology, active member
1997 The Polish Academy of Medicine, appointed Honorary Member
1997 The BelarusAcademy of Medicine, Correspondent
1996 The New York Academy of Science, Active member
1993 The Belarus Academy of Engineers, appointed member
1991 Professor of Scientific Medicine, specializing in Physio-pathology
1990 Rector of the State Institute of Medicine of Gomel, Chair in Pathology

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